

President Maduro from PETROBOSCAN: Whoever wants stability in America, look for us

Tour of the Petroboscan institutions
Presidential Press

Published at: 27/06/2024 08:23 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed this Thursday that Venezuela is a guarantee of security in the region for foreign investment and the development of joint ventures, especially in the energy area.

“We guarantee stability, legal security, peace, win-win relations, production. Whoever wants stability in America, look for us, we are guarantees of stability, of security. We are children of Bolívar de Urdaneta, we are people with proven words, proven,” said the Head of State from Zulia.

During a tour of the PETROBOSCAN institutions, Maduro recalled that the National Assembly, in compliance with the Constitution, extended the operations of the American company Chevron and the Venezuelan oil company for 15 more years, “into the future.”

“I can see a second semester of accelerated growth (...) July, August, September, October, November and December will be one of work, of growth, of peace, of stability, of tranquility, we are going to exceed 100,000 barrels of production” with the alliance between PETROBOSCAN and Chevron, said the President.

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