

President Maduro denounces massive violation of international law by the United States

The National President stressed the importance of maintaining national thinking in the face of the imposition of colonial geopolitics
Presidential Press

Published at: 15/04/2024 10:56 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, denounced the massive violation of international law promoted by the United States Government, in the face of the escalation of violent acts in various regions of the world.

During the broadcast of program number 41 of “With Maduro+”, he explained to the Spanish journalist Pascual Serrano that there are currently several movements at the international level that have generated terrorist acts.

In this regard, he reviewed the events of March 21 in Moscow, Russia, with the criminal and terrorist attack against the Russian people. “Who did it? Some fanatics hired in Ukraine, and the United States at the time of the crime, did not condemn the terrorist attack, nor did Europe, but came out to give their version that they were ISIS terrorists to cover up the crime.”

He also mentioned the attempted terrorist attack against him on March 25, when he registered his candidacy for President of the Republic, before the National Electoral Council (CNE). “The authors are convicted and confessed, new evidence will be known about who trained them, who armed them, who financed them, who prepared them. With the capture of the terrorists who intended to attack me, the United States was silent,” he said.

He also exposed Israel's terrorist attack with precision missiles and high-end aircraft against the Iranian consulate in Damascus; and the violent assault of April 5 on the Embassy of Mexico, in Ecuador, together with the kidnapping of former Vice President Jorge Glas.

“Who is imposing chaos today; who is imposing violence; who is breaking the rules of the game in the world; who is massively violating international law; the shareholder right, the neofascist right, with the support of the United States,” he warned.

He told me that Venezuela “advocates that diplomacy be imposed, rationality that the conflict does not escalate, an escalation of conflict resulting from Netanyahu's Nazi madness could lead to a third world war; and Venezuela advocates peace, rationality, diplomacy and truth.”

The National President stressed the importance of maintaining national thinking in the face of the imposition of colonial geopolitics, in order to act with coherence and ratify Venezuela's position of peace.

In this regard, he rejected the position expressed by the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, who expressed support for the terrorist acts of the Government of Israel against Palestine.

“He went to Miami to declare, Javier Milei, that he liked what the Government of Israel was doing with Palestine in Gaza, that it was going very well, that he had their support and the right wing, the sayona, came out to support him and to say yes, that he agreed with that. How can you call that? Dignity, independence, self-thinking? It has only one name: swept away!” , he ruled.

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