

President Maduro delivers physical spaces and restored buildings at the University of Carabobo

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 31/05/2024 07:50 PM

Within the framework of institutional cooperation, the Bolivarian Government, through the Fine Universities Mission, materialized the delivery, after its physical recovery, various spaces and buildings in the faculties and administrative areas of the University of Carabobo.

At the event that took place at the university campus, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, was present, together with the dean authorities, governing body, students, teachers, administrative staff and workers of the UC.

Also present were Jacqueline Farias, president of the Venezuela Bella Mission, Governor Rafael Lacava, Secretary of Government Jesús París and the mayor of Naguanagua Ana González.

The country's highest political authority expressed its congratulations to those who have made it possible to recover these spaces in order to guarantee the continuation of the studies of those who are trained in this house of studies.

“We made a great commitment: That the Great Venezuela Bella Mission would arrive, to change everything that needed to be changed, to recover everything that needed to be recovered, and I think that the commitment is being fulfilled and the University of Carabobo is being reborn,” he said.

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