

President Maduro condemns the coup d'etat in Bolivia and expresses his support for his counterpart Luis Arce

President Maduro calls on the people of Bolivia to defend their democracy, their constitution and their president, Arce.
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 26/06/2024 04:38 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, condemned the coup in execution in Bolivia and expressed support for his counterpart Luis Arce.

The president called on the Bolivian people to defend democracy, peace, their constitution and their president Luis Arce. “No to the coup!” , he said.

In addition, the Head of State ratified all his support for the Bolivian people. “ Enough of coups d'etat, genocide, massacres, against the Peoples of Latin America.”

Latin America must take care of its democracy. From Venezuela, we reject it and declare an emergency and permanent action in support of the people of Bolivia and its president Arce,” said Maduro.

The National President stated that military forces have betrayed their oath of loyalty to the State, they have taken the Presidential Palace in La Paz. “This is the path that fascists, extremists, coups, destabilization, destruction want.”

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