

President Maduro commemorates 205 years since the start of the New Granada Liberation Campaign

205 years since the start of the New Granada Liberation Campaign
Photo @NicolasMaduro

Published at: 27/05/2024 11:07 AM

Through the social network X, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, commemorated 205 years since the start of the Campaign for the Liberation of New Granada, which was led by the Father of the Fatherland, Simón Bolívar, together with the Liberation Army.

“205 years ago, the Republican Army, commanded by General Bolivar, embarked on its famous journey through the Andes, thus beginning the Campaign for the Liberation of New Granada, a memorable feat that marked the victorious route of the peoples to Colombia, the great one,” said the Head of State on the social network.

He reaffirmed that this heroic event began with “the immortal savanna of Apure, and sheltered by the idea of building a nation free from Spanish power”.

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