

President Maduro: Commander Chávez's “For Now” was sown in conscience and soul (4F)

Message from the Head of State from the social network X
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 04/02/2024 10:57 AM

With regard to the 32nd anniversary of the 4F feat this Sunday, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro stated that “ The For Now of our undefeated leader, Commander Chávez, has been sown in the conscience and soul of Venezuelan women and Venezuelans”. This is what he wrote from his user on the social network X.

“In our hearts, the 4th of 1992 is still alive, it is the date of the restoration of the dignity and hope of the Venezuelan people... It completely changed the political course of the Fatherland... The “For Now” of our undefeated leader, Commander Chávez, was sown in the conscience and soul of Venezuelan women, it was infinite light, tracing the path for the construction of participatory and leading democracy... 4F Blessed... “, reads in the full text.

This Sunday, a great mobilization is registered with the Great Bolivarian Fury National Caravan, whose participants will join the march that will be held to commemorate the so-called Day of National Dignity.

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