

President Maduro: Commander Chávez is the great builder of Venezuela's insurgent history

Telephone contact of President Maduro at the Closing of the 17th National Congress of History
Photo Capture

Published at: 23/06/2024 12:33 PM

This Sunday, June 23, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted that the great leader and visionary of the contemporary history of Venezuela is Commander Hugo Chávez, who vindicated the men and women who fought for the independence and sovereignty of the Fatherland.

“The great builder of new historical methods, of insurgent history, of history with strength in the present and a guide in the future, with great theoretical contribution and knowledge, was our Commander Hugo Chávez,” said the Head of State during the telephone call at the Closing of the 17th National Congress of History.

He also recalled that it was the Commander who vindicated heroes and heroines of our independence such as Ezequiel Zamora, Guaicaipura, José Leonardo Chirinos, Manuel Piar, Juana Ramírez “The Advancer”, among others. “It turned them into spiritual strength and brought them to the present,” he emphasized.

At the same time, he highlighted the work of “ordinary historians, who have brilliantly developed our historical method”.

For this reason, I call for the vindication of Commander Chávez as “the great builder of our great new historical method, who turned history into the strength of the present and into values for the future”.

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