

President Maduro: Chávez was victorious toward immortality

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 04/03/2024 12:55 PM

During a working meeting with the Expanded Political High Command, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted the victories of Commander Hugo Chávez in the elections that took place during his political life.

Chávez, always undefeated, was victorious towards immortality,” said the Head of State, recalling that tomorrow marks the 11th anniversary of the planting of the Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution.

In this regard, he highlighted the resistance that the Bolivarian Revolution and its People have had in these 11 years in the face of economic attacks, assassination attempts, among others, by the North American empire and its lackeys.

In this regard, he warned to be aware of any right-wing movement that threatens the integrity of the Homeland and against institutions in the face of the presidential elections.

“Oh what a fly! Because they are setting up ambushes all the time,” he said, while stressing that “it's not fear that characterizes us revolutionaries, it's courage and love for Venezuela.”

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