

President Maduro calls for progress in modernizing the justice system and automating processes

Solemn opening session of the judicial year 2024 and presentation of the management report corresponding to the year 2023
Photo: Courtesy

Published at: 31/01/2024 03:03 PM

President Nicolás Maduro, during the solemn opening session of the judicial year 2024 and presentation of the management report corresponding to the year 2023, called for progress in modernizing the justice system, in order to permanently automate all processes.

“It is necessary to advance in the modernization of the Justice System, in technology, in connectivity, to overcome the problems that may exist today, which sometimes delay the administration of justice,” he said.

The Head of State insisted that it is necessary to take a leap forward with a modernization process to definitively automate all processes with legal and constitutional guarantees of life.

With regard to the transfers of those deprived of their liberty to his audience, the Head of State indicated that he supports the idea that with good judgment, the law, regulations and procedural guarantees have been adjusted. “Telematic hearings are held to abandon so much bureaucracy that it delays the process, because a delayed process is the absence of justice at all levels.”


On the other hand, he urged the competent authorities to make progress in regulating and regulating the country's prison system, “today all prisons in the country are under regime, and we have passed a new phase so that prisons are truly under regime.”


“When we talk about the regime, it is that prisons are not a den for more crime, but rather that they become a place of discipline to pay sentences and for those deprived of their liberty to readjust to life, we cannot abandon utopia,” added Maduro.

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