

President Maduro called for respect for laws and the State (+Harmonization Act)

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Photo Capture

Published at: 26/06/2024 04:20 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, made a call this Wednesday to respect the laws that the State takes to strengthen the country's economy.

“The State and the Law must be respected and the State must be respected, I want a name and surname,” he said during the National Council for Productive Economy - Western Region, referring to the fact that there are sectors that do not want to comply.

In this regard, for her part, the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, stressed that work is being done to ensure that each mayor's office and municipality respects the Harmonization Act, so that “there is no creativity in the imposition of municipal taxes that are not agreed”.

He also highlighted the various issues that were discussed with businessmen during the development of the National Council for Productive Economy - Western Region.

He specified that among the issues that were discussed is how Venezuela “has gone from rentism to economic diversification, through the Bolivarian Economic Agenda. In addition, businessmen who were victims of violence called for peace to be in the center and north of the country.”

With regard to the points that were debated by state, he indicated that Lara spoke about the topic of taxation, bank credit, how the legal framework has been relaxed and the need to always have lines of financing; Falcón touched on the topic of inbound tourism and financing; while with Yaracuy it was proposed to create a special economic zone, in addition to the revival of mining, sugar production and a project of 50 hectares of healthy citrus plants that will resume the Ministry for Science and Technology.

He highlighted that issues such as attacks on the electricity service were also touched on, which is vital to continue working for the development of Venezuela.

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