

President Maduro called for following the example of honesty and resistance of the People

Nicolás Maduro Moros, President of the Republic
Photo: Internet

Published at: 06/05/2024 02:10 PM

This Monday, since the working meeting with governors, mayors and godparents of regions, the President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro Moros called for following the example of the battle of the Venezuelan people.

“The People are giving us lessons on how we should work, placing the main emphasis on each source of battle; that is the lesson that must be learned from their capacity for organization, resistance, resilience and creation,” said the first National President.

He also stressed that the capacities of the People are at a higher level and are fundamentally based on honesty in the administration of resources in order to ensure that they multiply.

“The creative powers of Christ multiply resources; these days we are going to provide full resources for the projects approved in the consultation of April 21 to the communal circuits,” said Maduro.

In this regard, he pointed out that popular power sets the tone. “Let us learn from the People, honesty, collective work, effectiveness, efficiency,” adding that “the People have never lost confidence in their victorious strength.”

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