

President Maduro approves loans for women, young people, entrepreneurs and motorcyclists

Radio program of the Head of State
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 30/05/2024 10:05 PM

“I declare myself the President of the country's entrepreneurs,” the head of state Nicolás Maduro said in his program With Maduro Suddenly, on the night of this Thursday, May 30.

In that regard, he announced that in the coming days, new loans will be provided for the country's women, youth, entrepreneurs and motorized workers.

“Looking for some churupitos, I found. We always find something to do with what we have. This is how we have learned: to do a lot with little. Now we are growing and producing more; that money is directed to the economy that drives the new model and that causes growth to the personal and family economy, in addition to the community, town and state,” he said.

The Head of State announced the approval of 80,000 new credits in the Great Venezuela Women Mission that will be delivered in the month of June. In addition, through the Venezuela Youth Mission, a total of 80,000 new funding will be provided with CrediJoven. In that regard, he announced for entrepreneurs through the Bank of Venezuela the allocation of 13,000 loans and the creation of Credimoto with an initial installment of 10,000 loans for the award.

“The financing provided for entrepreneurs is secure financing that produces goods, services, products, work, income for the family and when paid for it it multiplies, becoming a virtuous cycle,” said President Maduro.


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