

President Maduro: 2023 saw the lowest increase in the dollar

Presentation of the annual message to the Nation by President Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 15/01/2024 02:02 PM

During the presentation of his Annual Message to the People, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted the benefits of the Venezuelan Exchange System, which registered the lowest increase in the dollar in 2023.

From the Protocol Chamber of the National Assembly (AN), the Head of State assured that “this behavior is encouraging, the fruit of effort, and will allow us this year to provide stability to lower inflation; “I can say that it is an Exchange System that works in a healthy and balanced way and I want to thank the national and international investors who participate directly in the exchange system”.

The president specified that another established economic goal was precisely the growth of domestic oil and non-oil production, in which the inclusion of the industry was fundamental.

“With the efforts of the workers, the oil company is consolidating itself sustainably and permanently; last year it closed with 10 quarters of continuous growth (...) Likewise, the agricultural domestic product has grown seven consecutive semesters and the agricultural domestic product”, which is why the Agro Venezuela Mission praised.

He also pointed out that, thanks to the growth of the agricultural sector, Venezuela enjoys “a self-sufficiency that exceeds 97% of the food consumed, we went from 85% of imports to 97% of production and this year we must achieve 100% domestic production of all consumer products in the country.”

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