

President: Let's Raise Our Prayers and Stay in Peace for Our Beloved Venezuela

Holy Week 2024
Photo: X @NicolasMaduro

Published at: 31/03/2024 10:16 AM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, welcomed this Easter Sunday the deployment of the People during Holy Week, to confirm their spirituality and devotion to God.

“My greetings to the Venezuelan family that has gathered in the streets across the country to express their devotion to our Christ the Redeemer, beautiful processions and expressions of faith that reflect the love that God has for humanity,” said the President.

Through his account on the social network X, @NicolasMaduro, he urged that “we raise our prayers of prosperity and continue in peace for our beloved Venezuela. Wonderful Holy Week!” , said the Dignitary.

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