

Pope calls for peace and dialogue in the Middle East

Pope Francis
Internet photo

Published at: 14/04/2024 11:16 AM

This Sunday, April 14, Pope Francis expressed his concern and called for peace and dialogue in the face of recent events in the Middle East.

“I make an urgent call for a halt to all actions that could fuel a spiral of violence with the risk of leading the Middle East into an even greater conflict. No one should threaten the existence of another (...) Enough of the war, enough of the attacks, enough of the violence, let there be dialogue and peace,” said the pontiff after the prayer of the 'Regina Coeli', which replaces the Angelus during the Easter period.

Also, according to information from El Universal, he asked nations to stand on the side of peace and help Israelis and Palestinians to live in two States, side by side, with security, it is their deep and legitimate desire and their right. Two neighboring states.”

In the same way, he once again called for “a rapid ceasefire in Gaza” and for “negotiating paths”.

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