

Pompeyo Torrealba: 37 years of work are summarized in the Law for the Defense of the Essequibo

Torrealba stressed that thanks to this instrument, the recovery of geographical space, which historically belongs to Venezuela, is ratified.
AN Press

Published at: 22/03/2024 09:15 AM

The advisor to the Special Commission for the Defense of the Essequibo Territory and Territorial Sovereignty, Pompeyo Torrealba, said that his work of more than 37 years is summarized in the Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba, approved this Thursday by the National Parliament. “A Venezuelan who does not know the transcendental and fundamental problems of his own country's territorial political organization does not know its history. And because of that, I took the oath of the Essequibo,” he said.

He said that he is proud, satisfied and honored to belong to the special commission, and to be part of the team that promoted the organic law. He added that, finally, he saw the fruits of his dedication, body and soul, to the defense of the Essequibo. Torrealba highlighted that, on the subject, he has given 299 conferences, offered 119 interviews on radio and 38 on television, all in order to publicize everything related to the defense of the Essequibo territory.

In addition, he stressed that thanks to this instrument, the recovery of geographical space, which historically belongs to Venezuela, is ratified.

In a message he sent to the youth, Pompeyo Torrealba asked to have faith in the territory and in the country. “Have faith in the men who lead it, because all this is the product of the leadership of a country, to bring it to the culmination of a rule, such as the Organic Law for the Defense of the Essequibo,” he concluded.