

Podemos and the PCV register Maduro before the CNE as their candidate for the presidential elections

The CNE began to receive the nomination of candidates for the presidential elections of 28-J
Photo: Captura VTV

Published at: 21/03/2024 02:37 PM

The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and Podemos expressed to the National Electoral Council (CNE) their support for the re-election of President Nicolás Maduro in the elections on July 28.

During the activity, the president of Podemos, Didalco Bolívar, assured that his awning provides his support to President Maduro for having challenged the historic destiny and the attacks against our country.

“There is democracy in Venezuela, there is an electoral process. In compliance with the rule, any candidate can register their application with the CNE and the doors are open to all political organizations to do so,” he said.

In this regard, he stressed that in our country elections are won with votes, not with pressure or threats. “We are on the street and the votes are there. The votes aren't on social media,” he said.

For his part, Henry Parra, president of the Communist Party, described the support of this awning for President Maduro as a popular victory.

“Comrade Nicolás Maduro is anti-imperialist and the PCV is anti-imperialist. It is the party's historic obligation to be able to support a workers' candidate like Nicolás Maduro,” he stressed.

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