

Plastic Artist Day: Men and women who, with their inspiration, leave their mark on time

In Venezuela there are memorable artists who have made us admire their different styles.
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Published at: 10/05/2024 09:26 AM

Starting May 10, 1983, the Plastic Artist's Day is celebrated in the country, in honor of the birth of one of the best teachers in this profession: Armando Reverón.

Reverón is considered to be one of the influential artists of the 20th century, due to his unparalleled technique with natural light that he captured in his works.

In Venezuela, there are other memorable artists who have made us admire their different styles.

Arturo Michelena: Detailer and academic who captured meticulous emblematic faces and scenarios so similar to photography.

Cristóbal Rojas: With his realistic style, this artist captured the needs presented by human beings, leaving aside religious works, delving deeper into the need of society in his works.

César Rengifo : His composition of color palettes shows us his vision of the reality of his time, a disadvantaged society abandoned by those governments of the Fourth Republic.

Jesús Soto: His style broke the fourth wall that allows the spectator to maintain an interactive relationship with the kinetic work.

Carlos Cruz Diez : The master of color, famous for his works in different countries. His style marks a definitive trend towards kinetic art.

Alejandro Otero : One of the forerunners in monumental sculptures in Venezuela. In addition, to being a master in kinetic art with Jesús Soto and Carlos Cruz Diez.

Among other Venezuelan artists who highlight the national tricolor because of their sensitivity to each genre they represent in this profession, teachers who are an inspiration for future generations.

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