

Plan Venezuela eats fish will be deployed in 22 parishes in Caracas

The Government is making progress in actions that benefit the People

Published at: 22/03/2024 02:55 PM

In 22 parishes in the capital city, the Venezuela Eat Fish points will be displayed, in connection with the Holy Week season.

Thus, the mayor of the Libertador municipality, Carmen Meléndez, did not release the information from Bolívar Avenue, where, together with Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, the deployment of this plan began.

“It is very important that our people are guaranteed this protein, which during Holy Week is what people ask for,” Meléndez said.

In addition, he specified that at these points there is all the variety, “even the salted fish and dried fish that are looking for it a lot during Holy Week. The people of Caracas are guaranteed fish protein for the entirety of Holy Week.

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