

Plan CANTV Comunal served Elorza users in Apure

State telephone crews work to resolve breakdowns
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 29/05/2024 05:12 PM

The Venezuelan National Anonymous Telephone Company (CANTV), through its communal plan, is in the state of Apure, in order to provide comprehensive care in telecommunications services to users in residential, commercial and public institutions in this plain jurisdiction.

The press release from the institution states that the Blue Force carried out corrective maintenance work on the transmission media, to restore the interconnection via fixed telephony and Internet in different communities. At the same time, it carried out the laying of cables and tests to verify the operability of the services to new users.

The approach was developed in response to reports made through the VenApp of Good Governance 1x10, with the objective of making progress in meeting the goal of 95% effectiveness in case care.

In addition, representatives of the institution held a meeting with personnel from the entity's governance and the organized Popular Power where support during deployment and strategies to guarantee services to more users were discussed.

In the same way, optimization work was carried out in the telephone exchange located in this municipality, where preventive maintenance was carried out on energy backup equipment, installation of luminaires, repair of the electrical circuit, beautification, cleaning and weeding of the facilities.

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