

Plagiarists! Right wing insists on stealing symbols of the People and Chavism

Published at: 08/05/2024 10:38 PM

In the face of its desperation and repeated failures, the Venezuelan right has always tried to steal the symbols that belong to Chavism and the People.

First they did it with the tricolor cap, when Henrique “Chatarrita” Capriles was in his campaign; and now La Sayona (María Corina Machado) tries it again with the motto of “hope” and the track of the song for the campaign of the so-called Unitary Platform.

“I'm going to tell you bitter gentlemen, this tricolor cap was the first to be worn in Venezuela by Hugo Chávez, then Capriles came, who is a rascal and wanted to steal it,” said the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, at the time.

Also, today more than ever, the People of Venezuela confirm to that battered right that the legacy of Commander Chávez and the symbols that belong to us cannot be stolen.

Mazo News Team