

Petare presents advances in its Aquaponics production experience for the benefit of the population

Bolivarian government authorities in Petare

Published at: 06/02/2024 05:25 PM

Within the framework of the Plan of Love in Action for Victims of the Economic Blockade, Jhoanna Carrillo, head of the Ministry of Popular Power of Urban Agriculture (MINPPAU) learned about the productive experience of aquaponics located at the 5 de Julio Mission Base, located in the Las Casitas sector, in Petare, Sucre municipality in the state of Miranda.

This productive space is serviced by the agro-urban Antonio Marín, who explained that he trained with the technical team of Verde en Concreto and now works at the Aquaponics Farm at the 5 de Julio Mission Base in Petare.

“This farm consists of two fish tanks and four deep water tanks for growing plants. It's a circulating water system, where plants feed on fish waste,” said Marín.

He assured that they have a fairly abundant food production, which is destined for the food house of the Mission Base, “both the animal protein that comes from fish and the vegetables that come from plants,” said the agro-urban.

Minister Jhoanna Carrillo specified that Antonio Marín received training by the Green in Concrete team, located in Chacao, Bolivarian state of Miranda. “Today, Urban Agriculture is being promoted in Petare, and through aquaponics, he also took the opportunity to express a few words of thanks to the manager of Green in Concrete, Mr. Ali Olivero, for transmitting his knowledge to the popular productive power.”

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