

Pedro Infante: We must leave a clear message to the world that the Referendum is binding

Loyalty Day March

Published at: 08/12/2023 12:46 PM

The first vice-president of the National Assembly (AN), Deputy Pedro Infante, expressed the importance of leaving a clear message to the world that the Consultative Referendum in defense of the Essequibo is binding.

“To those who try to manipulate, because as stated in Article 70 of the Constitution, the Referendum where our People overwhelmingly supported five times yes is binding,” he said during the Loyalty Day March.

In this regard, he stressed that all the actions that have been taken so far in defense of the Essequibo are an act of courage and sovereignty, while stressing that “a plan of care for the population of Guiana Esequiba is being built collectively”, as well as the consultation of the Organic Law in this area where special legal instruments will be developed to protect the biodiversity that this part of the Venezuelan territory possesses.

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