

Pedro Infante to María Elvira Salazar: She's an insolent imperial spokesperson!

Pedro Infante, first vice-president of the National Assembly

Published at: 22/03/2024 03:29 PM

The first vice-president of the National Assembly (AN), Pedro Infante, rejected the interventionist actions of the Foreign Committee of the United States House of Representatives, which approved this Thursday the “Truth Law” that seeks to reauthorize sanctions against Venezuela.

Through her X account, Infante described congresswoman María Elvira Salazar as “insolent” and “imperial spokesperson”, who spoke through this social network about the approval of this law that threatens more sanctions against the Venezuelan people.

“This is shameless legal colonization, the so-called 'Truth Law' that dates back to 2019, extraterritorial, violating all international law , illegal,” he said.

In this regard, he said that this law is a “legal umbrella” for blockade, sanctions, theft of CITGO, Monómers, PDVSA, gold, foreign persecution, among others.

“This law has served to implement the economic genocide against our people,” she emphasized, while concluding with a strong message for the American congresswoman:

1) We will defeat conspiracies with civic-military-police union.

2) July 28th We will elect Nicolás Maduro.

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