

Pedro Infante: Peace is the fundamental pillar of all these dialogue processes

Infante stressed that the calendar proposals for the next elections will be brought before the National Electoral Council (CNE), which is the body that defines the date of the elections, as established by the Constitution.

Published at: 07/02/2024 03:12 PM

This Wednesday, scholars, intellectuals and academics participated in the Great Day of National Dialogue for the 2024 Presidential Elections.

From the Hall of Shields of the Federal Legislative Palace, the first vice-president of the National Assembly (AN), Pedro Infante, said that in these meetings the desire for peace has been expressed for the country.

“Without peace, we cannot maintain the process of economic recovery if peace is hindered, we cannot guarantee the unity of our entire people if peace, which is the fundamental pillar of all these dialogue processes, is hindered,” said Infante.

In addition, he stressed that the calendar proposals for the next elections will be brought before the National Electoral Council (CNE), which is the body that defines the date of the elections as established by the Constitution.

It is worth noting that this Monday, February 5, four rounds of dialogue were held: With political parties, organizations and pre-candidates; then religious sectors; businessmen; and they concluded with leaders of the working class.

Mazo News Team