

Pedro Infante: Despite right-wing conspiracies, the Government has respected Barbados agreements

Pedro Infante: first vice-president of the National Assembly
Photo: Internet

Published at: 28/01/2024 06:28 PM

The Revolutionary Government of Venezuela, despite the conspiracies of the right, has complied with the agreements and procedures signed in Barbados and accepted by the Norwegian government, which has served as a facilitator of the dialogue, said the first vice-president of the National Assembly, deputy Pedro Infante.

Through a series of messages published on his account on the social network X, he demonstrated that among the documents signed between the Governments and the Opposition, it was never established that a candidate linked to violent plans towards the country could be authorized.

“The Agreement makes it very clear that: 1) It rejects any form of violence up to hate speech 2) It does not say that it forgives the violation of the legal system or forgets crimes committed 3) Those who aspire to be candidates must comply with the constitution and laws,” said Infante.

“What will the opposition do, respect the Agreements, or take the shortcut of violence?” , the parliamentarian trifled.

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