

PDVSA technical delegation evaluated project results in Russia in the Orinoco Belt

This is the second time that the Venezuelan delegation has visited the company's headquarters, located in the Republic of Tatarstan

Published at: 14/07/2024 09:44 AM

A technical delegation from the joint venture Petromiranda and the Venezuelan Petroleum Corporation (CVP) paid a working visit to Russia to evaluate the results of the seismic data reprocessing project in the Junín-6 Block of the “Hugo Chávez” Orinoco Oil Belt.

This is the second time that the Venezuelan delegation has visited the company's headquarters, which is located in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The information was released by Petrleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), in its account on the social network X, in which it noted that this visit will allow “the incorporation of technologies that support the recovery and increase of crude oil production in the Belt.”

The Venezuelan representation that moved to Russia was appointed by the president of Petromiranda, Carlos de La Ossa, and comprised of the superintendent of Integrated Studies, José Maita; the geologist Karl Alí; the superintendent of Reservoirs, Marat Shaimardanov; and the technical advisor of the Management of Operational Techniques of CVP, Julio Lugo.

The meeting took place as part of the strategic alliance with Russia led by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, and following the guidelines of the Minister of Petroleum and president of PDVSA, Pedro Rafael Tellechea.

Petromiranda was created in 2010 between PDVSA and the Russian National Petroleum Consortium for the purpose of exploiting the reserves of the Junín-6 Block, which consist of about 448 square kilometers “with reserves estimated at more than 50 billion barrels of original oil on site,” according to a press release.

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