

PDVSA Petroactivates a new generation well in the Hugo Chávez Oil Belt

2024 Drilling Campaign
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 02/04/2024 01:46 PM

PDVSA Petro, a subsidiary of the Venezuelan Petroleum Corporation, launched the first new generation well as part of the 2024 Drilling Campaign.

The EDV-43 drill began work in February 2024, in the Carabobo Block 2 of the Hugo Chávez Orinoco Oil Belt, complying with the operational plan drawn up by the joint venture, in accordance with the instructions of the Minister of the People's Power of Petroleum and president of PDVSA, Pedro Rafael Tellechea, to increase production to achieve the goals set for the year 2024, PDVSA press release review.

The CMI14 well, the first of 17 included in this year's business plan, represents an important milestone for the increase in production of this joint venture.

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