

Paulo Freire: The man who transformed pedagogy in the world (+seeding)

Paulo Freire, pedagogue and philosopher from Brazil
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Published at: 02/05/2024 08:07 AM

On May 2, 1997, Paulo Freire, pedagogue and philosopher from Brazil, who is considered to be one of the main influencers in education in the 20th century, died.

“My vision of literacy goes beyond mere ba, be, bo, bu, because it involves a critical understanding of the social, political and economic reality in which the literate are,” Freire once said.

This genius of pedagogy considered dialogue as an instrument of transformation with the objective of breaking with the chains of conventional education.

His theory of liberating education proposes that the student be the protagonist in the construction of critical consciousness.

“In truth, my role as a teacher, in teaching content a or b, is not only to strive to describe with maximum clarity the substantive nature of the content for the student to record. My fundamental role, in speaking clearly about the object, is to encourage the student so that he, with the materials I offer, produces an understanding of the object instead of receiving it, in full, from me,” he said.

His research papers have been translated into 35 languages, and he has become an educational reference in the world.

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