

Parlatino Venezuela congratulates the Mexican people for their citizenship in Sunday's presidential elections

Ángel Rodríguez, president of Parlatino Venezuela

Published at: 05/06/2024 11:38 AM

The Venezuelan Group of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament congratulated the Mexican people for the citizenship demonstrated last Sunday during the presidential elections, in which the candidate of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), Claudia Sheinbaum, won the victory.

This Tuesday, the head of the parliamentary body, Deputy Ángel Rodríguez, greeted the elected president and the militants of the Mexican left, while promising her much success in her term of office. “We are sure that the president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, and her government will guarantee the well-being and progress of the Mexican people,” Rodríguez said.

Regarding the position expressed by the Caribbean Community (Caricom) on the Venezuela-Guyana dispute over the Esequibo territory, Rodríguez said that the Venezuelan Parlatino categorically rejects it because it is biased.

It also considers that Guyana's position is based on false and unreal information, and that it is the Guyanese government that intends to strip Venezuela of its territory, totally ignoring the Geneva Agreement of 1966.

“We cannot accept that Caricom promotes warmongering actions through the signing of agreements with the Southern Command and the CIA, which rescind the peace accords signed by Venezuela and Guyana,” he said.

He reiterated the need to promote dialogue and the search for peaceful solutions to the dispute between Venezuela and Guyana, framed in the Geneva Agreement, as the only valid document to resolve this territorial dispute.