

Pancho Villa: Symbol of resistance against imperialism (+seeding)

101 years after the birth of this centaur from the Aztec land
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 20/07/2024 08:07 AM

On July 20, 1923, José Doroteo Arango Arámbula was assassinated , who would be known as one of the great heroes of the Mexican Revolution under the name of Pancho Villa.

He was born on June 5, 1878 in Durango. Son of Agustín Arango and Micaela Arámbula, he dedicated himself to farm work from a very young age, he did not learn to read, since he did not have the opportunity to attend school and after the death of his father he had to take care of his family, so he got a job as a muleteer on the farm.

In 1894, he shot and wounded the landowner when he found him insulting his sister, who was 16 years old, and had to flee persecuted by justice. He took refuge in Colombian camps where he joined a group of dissidents led by Ignacio Parra and where he decided to change his name to Francisco Villa.

When the Mexican Revolution broke out in 1910 against Porfirio Díaz, he placed himself under the command of the opposition leader Francisco Madero, standing out as a good guerrilla leader, where he recruited day laborers and small settlers dispossessed of their land into his troops.

During the Madero administration, he was under the command of Mexican general Victoriano Huerta, who distrustful of him and ordered him to kill. Villa fled and as time passed, he formed a revolutionary army known as the Northern Division, with which he fought alongside Venustiano Carranza and Emiliano Zapata against Huerta, who had established himself as a dictator, defeating him in 1914.

After so many battles, he dedicated himself to working his land until he was killed in an ambush by the Mexican Government and the United States, in Parral together with his friend, Colonel Miguel Trujillo.

101 years after the birth of this centaur from the Aztec land, the Mexican people rise up with the strength and courage of this immortal warrior to shout to imperialism and the world: “Long live Mexico you bastards!

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