

Palestinian groups Hamas and Fatah meet in China to discuss reconciliation

Li Jian, spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China
Photo: Internet

Published at: 30/04/2024 10:37 AM

This Tuesday, Li Jian, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China, reported that the delegations of the Palestinian groups Al Fatah and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) met in Beijing, to hold “exhaustive and frank conversations on the promotion of intrapalestine reconciliation”

Telesur explained that in the midst of the offensive launched by Israel against the Gaza Strip that has left more than 34,535 civilians killed, the spokesperson explained that “both sides expressed their political will to achieve reconciliation through dialogue and consultation and held meetings on many specific issues.”

He noted that the contacts resulted in “positive progress” and with a “unanimous” agreement to continue the dialogue to achieve “as soon as possible” “Palestinian unity”.

“China will continue to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with Middle Eastern countries and the entire international community to firmly support the just cause of the Palestinian people in the restoration of their legitimate national rights,” the spokesman said.

The meeting between the two groups follows the one they held in Moscow in early March, where they agreed to continue their dialogue to achieve national unity with the participation of all Palestinian forces within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

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