

Padrino López: The Shock Force is active throughout the territory in the face of this new attack on SEN

Padrino stressed that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is giving a strong response to any situation of intolerance on the part of the country's extreme right

Published at: 30/08/2024 11:09 AM

The Minister of Popular Power for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, reported that the territorial defensive system, called Shock Force, was immediately activated in the face of the new sabotage of the National Electric System (SEN).

In this regard, he explained that the Shock Force, composed of more than a hundred officers, electrical and hydraulic engineers, among others, is active throughout the national territory” and stressed that these actions are framed under the instructions of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

He specified that motorized and vehicle units were enabled to support the People in their travel anywhere, as well as the support of the Strategic Operational Command (CEO).

He highlighted the courage of the People in the face of this attack that occurred in the early morning of this Friday, August 30, “it is giving a new demonstration of conscience, especially national civic awareness,” he stressed.

He stressed that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is giving a strong response to any situation of intolerance on the part of the country's extreme right.

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