

Padrino López: The security of electoral material and citizens is guaranteed

CNE, together with the FANB, began deploying material for voter registration days
Photo: @Dhernandezlarez

Published at: 18/03/2024 11:41 AM

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is working hand in hand with the National Electoral Council (CNE) to carry out tasks related to the security of electoral material for the elections on July 28, said Defense Minister G/J Vladimir Padrino López.

Through a message published on his X account, the senior military officer assured that, in this context, the security of citizens and electoral matters is guaranteed.

“Anything that contributes to the strengthening of our Democracy and its processes deserves our detachment and sacrifice,” he said.

In this regard, the strategic operational commander of the FANB, G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez, stressed that currently our soldiers and soldiers are contributing to the deployment of the machines and material that will be used during the electoral registration process that began this Monday.

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