

Padrino López: The imperial disinformation apparatus wants to make Venezuela look like aggressors

Venezuela will not stray from the path of defending our Essequibo
Photo; Internet

Published at: 21/05/2024 03:43 PM

The empire's media apparatus insists on making Venezuela look like an aggressor, in the case of the territorial dispute over the Essequibo, when Guyana maintains a warrior stance, supported by the Southern Command and financed by ExxonMobil, said Defense Minister G/J Vladimir Padrino López.

“Do the actions taken by the Bolivarian Government to provide better living conditions in terms of health, education and services to our Essequiban brothers constitute a strategy to instill fear? “, said the senior military official in response to a recent publication by an international media that accuses Venezuela of threatening Guyana.

In this regard, Padrino López assured that nothing will divert our country from the peaceful route to recover our historic territory.

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