

Padrino López: The FANB will advance in frontal combat against all types of aggression against our Mother Earth

Minister of Defense, G/J Padrino López

Published at: 27/02/2024 02:15 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, reiterated the commitment of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) to fulfilling the V Historical Objective of the Homeland Plan.

Through his account on the social network X, Padrino assured that “The conservation of the environment is fundamental to life on our planet, which is threatened by the irrational and consumerist model of wild capitalism”

In this regard, he noted that the FANB “will continue to make decisive progress in the frontal fight against all types of aggression against our Mother Earth to guarantee future generations the full enjoyment of their environmental rights. WE WILL CONTINUE TO WIN!”

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