

Padrino López shared with more than a thousand participants in the Gran Fondo Ciclista Batalla de Carabobo

The activity is framed by the 203rd anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo

Published at: 25/05/2024 04:00 PM

This Saturday, the Sectorial Vice President for Political Sovereignty, Security and Peace, Vladimir Padrino López, accompanied the Gran Fondo Ciclista Batalla de Carabobo, together with more than a thousand participants.

In this sense, the event described it as “great camaraderie” while assuring that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is a patriotic institution.

“We are here in a civic-military union; a lot of cyclists have joined and I thank them for their participation,” Padrino said.

It should be noted that the activity is framed by the 203 years of the Battle of Carabobo.

“We are going to continue with all the activities we have from now on until next June 24,” he added.

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