

Padrino López oversaw coordination of the IV World Cadet Games to be held in August

Delegations from 140 countries will participate in the sporting event

Published at: 01/02/2024 07:03 PM

This Thursday, February 1st, the Minister of People's Power for Defense, G/J Vladimir Padrino López, oversaw the coordination and adjusted details of the IV World Cadet Games, to be held in the country, next August.

Through his account on the social network X, at a meeting held in Fuerte Tiuna, Padrino López pointed out that these games are “a great international event that will take place in our beloved Venezuela next August 2024".

He stressed that “delegations from 140 countries will come to the event with whom we will practice our values of solidarity and camaraderie”.

“Here we are waiting for you! Long live the sport!” , he said.

For his part, on the same social network, in the press account of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), he specified that this is the first coordination meeting with the International Military Sports Council to hold the IV World Cadet Games.

He stresses that it is an opportunity to strengthen “the brotherhood and camaraderie among the world's military officers”.

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