Padrino López: May Bolívar's immortal fire impel us to remain unscathed in the honorable duty of defending sovereignty

Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense
Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense
Photo: Internet

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 24/07/2024 11:04 AM

The Minister of Defense, G/J Vladimir Padrino López, commemorating the 241st anniversary of the birth of Simon Bolivar, expressed the hope that the indomitable spirit of The Liberator will embrace the Venezuelan people and keep them safe from the duty to defend our independence from new empires and their threats.

In a statement, released this Wednesday, July 24, the senior military officer stressed that with Bolívar, the hope of the dispossessed, slaves, blacks, browns, mixed-race and indigenous people began to flourish in our homeland, who answered the call to join the emancipatory cause, fighting the tyranny that had oppressed us for more than 300 years.

Below is the full statement:

On July 24, 1783, Caracas served as a cradle and gave birth to Simon José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Ponte y Palacios Blanco, El Libertador; the man who would revolutionize the subjugated condition of our continent, projecting a global geopolitical change, which, even in the heat of the 21st century, continues to inspire us in that incessant struggle to conquer definitive independence. Architect of American Freedom, Potter of Republics, Genius of America, hero of everlasting glory and perennial inspiration for hundreds of generations who will carry their free-thinking lineage forever, forging dreams of equality, sovereignty and social justice... That's Simon Bolivar! With his birth, 241 years ago, the hope of the dispossessed, of slaves, of blacks, browns, mixed-race and Indians, who answered the call to join the emancipatory cause, fighting the tyranny that had oppressed us for more than 300 years, began to flourish.

The special anniversary also evokes the historic coincidence with a momentous act of arms, when the courageous patriots prevailed undefeated in the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo, achieving the irreversible rupture of the despotic chains of the Spanish empire. Such an honorable feat, an icon in naval strategy, he institutionalized the Day of the Bolivarian Navy, an excellent component of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, that raising the sails of triumph very high, he sets his helm towards a bright and promising future. For this reason, today, we congratulate the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Sea, with special deference to their General Commander, Admiral Neil Jesús Villamizar Sánchez, who with brilliance, loyalty and determination, has assumed the commendable mission of increasing the level of operational capacity, as well as their social welfare, training and technological development, to continue contributing to the Integral Defense of the Nation; always under the protective mantle of the Supreme Creator and of the Blessed Virgin of the Valley, Patron who with infinite kindness brings them good wind and good sea.

May the imperishable legacy of Father Liberator be reborn every day in the conscience of the Venezuelan people. May their immortal fire and indomitable spirit drive us to remain unscathed in the honorable duty to defend, against new empires and their threats, the dignity, independence and sovereignty of this beloved Homeland; and that in this Bicentenary Year of the Battles of Junín and Ayacucho, the emancipatory maelstrom of the South and the Latin American union, may prevail in the new battles that we are destined to fight and win.



Chavez Lives! ... The Homeland Continues!

Independence and Socialist Homeland! ... We Will Live and Conquer!

The Venezuelan Sun rises in the Essequibo! ... Born in the Essequibo!

Independence or nothing, always loyal! ... Never traitors!

Caracas, July 24, 2024


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