

Padrino López: FANB will guarantee that the people express themselves in peace next 28-J

Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense
Photo: Internet

Published at: 19/07/2024 01:08 PM

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) will ensure that, on July 28, popular sovereignty is expressed freely and in peace during the presidential election called for that day, said Defense Minister, G/J Vladimir Padrino López.

Through a video released on his X account, he explained that the FANB will guarantee the safety of each of the voters who leave their homes to the voting centers in a “profound civic action”.

“I am sure that on July 28, the People will come out, with all their emotional strength, to express their thoughts and to define the destiny of the Fatherland in the coming years,” said the senior military officer.

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