

Padrino López: Defense system is activated against any attempt to violate our space

Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense
Photo: Internet

Published at: 09/05/2024 02:27 PM

The Integral Aerospace Defense System of our Bolivarian National Armed Force is on alert to any attempt to violate our geographical space by U.S. planes carrying out maneuvers in Guyana, said Defense Minister G/J Vladimir Padrino López.

In this regard, through a message published in his X account, the senior military officer rejected the repeated provocations of the Southern Command under the auspices of the Irfaan Ali government.

“We have already warned of the threat to regional peace posed by the presence of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington in the Caribbean. Now they announce the deployment of F-18 aircraft to fly over “Georgetown and its surroundings”. The Bolivarian National Armed Forces strongly rejects these repeated provocations by the Southern Command, sponsored by the government of Guyana, which has assumed the role of the new North American colony,” Padrino wrote.

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