

Padrino López: Civic-military union is the unscathed guardian of political stability

Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense
Photo; Internet

Published at: 25/03/2024 02:28 PM

The unity of the Venezuelan People and their Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) has been the key to the victories achieved in recent years, said Defense Minister G/J Vladimir Padrino López.

Through a video published on his X account, he explained that this unit promoted by the Supreme Commander, Hugo Chávez, is the same one that Simón Bolívar and Ezequiel Zamora devised at the time.

“The civic-military union is the unharmed guardian of political stability and peace in Venezuela. It is a sealed pact with the promise of protecting our sovereignty; an emblem of unity that reminds us that, together, PUEBLO AND FANB ARE INVINCIBLE!” , wrote the senior officer Castro Rense.

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