

Padrino López: Civic-military-police union is essential to guarantee the security of the nation

Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 01/10/2024 12:05 PM

The doctrine of civic-military-police union, promoted by the President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro, is essential to guarantee the security of the nation, in the face of the vulgar pretensions of fascism to violate it, said the Minister of Defense, G/J Vladiir Padrino López.

During his participation in a videoconference with the Expanded Superior General Staff of the FANB, together with the higher levels of the State Security and Disaster Prevention Agencies, Padrino López emphasized that this doctrine, which amalgamates the People and the FANB in the comprehensive defense of the nation, was devised and implemented by the Supreme and eternal Commander, Hugo Chavez Frias.

“We have come this far because our Supreme Commander projected the difficulties and the paths we are experiencing and prepared us for them. We must be very careful not to deviate from revolutionary and Bolivarian objectives and principles, from our Military Doctrine,” emphasized the senior military officer.

In the same way, Padrino López congratulated the efforts of the men and women in olive green to, despite the economic blockade imposed by imperialism on our country, keep the units of the FANB fully operational.

“Above all the negative effects of the Blockade, we continue to make progress, making a gigantic effort to fulfill the titanic task of keeping our units operating at 100%. To guarantee supplies, uniforms, food, everything necessary for our Bolivarian National Armed Forces to fulfill the honorable task of defending our territorial integrity, our sovereignty and, above all, the peace of the nation,” said the also sectoral vice-president of Sovereignty, Security and Peace.

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