

Organizations from Spain and Andalusia set their position on the arrival of Edmundo González to the European country

Former candidate of the extreme right of opposition Edmundo González Urrutia

Published at: 14/09/2024 11:29 PM

More than thirty organizations from Spain and Andalusia rejected the arrival to the Iberian Peninsula of former Venezuelan coup candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, hosted by the Spanish government of Pedro Sánchez.

In a joint statement, they warned that “the ultra-right candidate, whom the mainstream press intends to pass off as a democratic leader, has been part of the electoral coup against the legitimate triumph of President Nicolás Maduro, proclaimed by the Venezuelan electoral authority and confirmed by a ruling of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.”

The organizations criticize that González Urrutia, “whom they now intend to present as a 'hero', asked that the results proclaimed by the Electoral Power and verified through expertise by the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice be ignored, encouraging interventionist, colonialist and destabilizing actions against the country.”

However, they supported the decision of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to grant safe conduct to the former candidate, “in accordance with international legality and for the sake of the tranquility and political peace of the country”, after “extensive conversations and contacts”, as a result of the agreement between the governments of Venezuela and Spain.

Here's the full press release:

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