Ongoing violence! Learn why Sayo had to make an agreement with Leopoldo López and his Popular Will

“The Sayo”, Maria Corina Machado “The Sayo”, Maria Corina Machado
“The Sayo”, Maria Corina Machado
Courtesy Internet

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 31/07/2024 11:10 PM

Wednesday, July 30, 2024.

Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, facing Pa' Que Luis, in the house with Chávez 's face and smile painted on the PSUV card, and a limp poster of Maduro.

Patriota Patricio El Maracucho

What was Diosdado? How are you my dear brother? Primooooo cool with triumph, I told you, I told you that we were going to win because people know that despite the difficulties, Maduro is the only one who guarantees peace.

Cousin, before entering Professor Jirafalde's classroom, I confess that I was as worried as when you have the flu and a weak stomach at the same time, because these people came up with everything in their plan of violence. On Monday when I showed up in Bejucal, María Corina, alias “La Sayo”, looked at me with such hatred that I came to think that I had discovered that I work with you, cousin I sweated more than a pig in my armpit, but then I remembered that you behave like a grave and you never tell anyone what I tell you, so I relaxed.

On Sunday, July 28, following your instructions, I put the Farline 500 like a pepper, I put 120 liters of gasoline in it and on Sunday I helped mom to mobilize the 1X10X7 early on. The good thing is that in my Farline there are 12 people sitting and 10 standing, so I was able to mobilize all those people without problems, but don't worry because at the same time I was mobilizing and monitoring the Signal group created by María Corina to follow up on the election.

Diosdado, let's start with the main intellectual architects of the fraud plan who are in Venezuela. You remember that I had told you in another way that María Corina's main political and electoral advisors are Eugenio Martínez, alias “El Puzkas”; Félix Seijas, owner of the polling company “Delphos”; Oswaldo Ramírez Colina, owner of “ORC Consultores”; Edgar Gutiérrez, advisor to Leopoldo López and Benigno Alarcón, director of the center for political and government studies at UCAB. Well brother, I tell you this because they are part of the parallel CNE of La Sayo. Add to that the contributions of white-collar guards Roberto Picón, Enrique Márquez, Vicente Díaz and the rector of the CNE Juan Carlos Delpino. This small group of terrorists helped facilitate the hacking that took place from outside of our electoral system. They designed the scam plan with the minutes, the arguments for the opinion matrices about the alleged fraud, the false bulletins, and all the staging to self-swear Edmundo González Urrutia as president because the plan has never been electoral and we always told you so. Brother, I'm telling you this so you can put on your anergizer batteries. The attorney general has to investigate those who set up the opposition fraud, so I recommend that you start with these characters, but above all with Juan Carlos Delpino, who is an active rector of the CNE and that violates the laws.

Diosdado, these same people recommended that María Corina ride a motorcycle on Sunday around 10:30am to try to motivate her followers because voter turnout in the country 's main cities was very low at that time, so much so that around 12:00 noon the voting centers where the opposition historically won began to deflate. In addition, brother, so you know and brush it off, these characters are the same political advisors who recommended that María Corina ignore the election results and the infamy of claiming that Edmundo González, alias “Chesipirito”, had won in all 23 states of the country.

On the other hand, brother, Sayo does not want to see Omar Barboza, alias “The Genocide”, even in painting, because according to her, Barboza was not authorized to say at the press conference of the Unitary Platform on Sunday at 11:30 at night, that the campaign command had only 30% of the records, since this showed that the commandos and the famous 600K Network never existed, that the organization of the members and the table witnesses failed.

Diosdado, when Omar Barboza's press conference ended, Sayo even told him that he was going to die of evil, since with that percentage of records that he had reported, they could not report fraud, much less guarantee that they had won in all the states of the country, although in the end Sayo ended up doing the usual thing, lying. Diosdado, I had informed you weeks ago that Sayo knew that they didn't give her the numbers to win the election and that's why they were preparing to sing fraud, but that song of fraud needed blood and violence to cause the communication effect and thus attract the attention of the international community. Brother, in the midst of that contingency, La Sayo, who was angry with Leopoldo López, alias the “princess of Salamanca”, had to make peace.

Diosdado, María Corina handed over the responsibility of burning the country to Leopoldo López, which is why the violence is commanded and induced by Popular Will and his collaborators, where the ringleaders are: Freddy Superlano and Luis Somaza, who came to Colombia, and from Miami Gustavo Lainett, Gilbert Caro and Freddy Guevara. But this doesn't end there. Primo, let me explain to you what La Sayo and the Princeso ended up with. As Leopoldo López knows that Popular Will was left with fewer militants than Delsa Solórzano's party, Citizen Encuentro, and he has no people to carry out street actions as he did in 2014 and 2017, they decided, nothing more and nothing less, to make an alliance with the criminal gangs of Wilexis and El Niño Guerrero so that their criminals would come down from the neighborhoods of Caracas and create chaos.

Diosdado, the operation with the United States to offer a reward for the Warrior Boy and thus pressure him to operate in favor of violence, was set up by Leopoldo López. Diosdado, do you remember that I told you that in the line of Bella Vista station wagons there is a driver who is a member of A New Time? Well brother, the hell confirmed that the order given by Manuel Rosales, alias “The Philosopher of Zulia”, on the day of the election, was to send witnesses from UNT tables to the voting centers but he ordered a 100% stop to the mobilization of voters to the centers, since Manuel didn't want to add votes to Inmundo González. Primo, that's why on Sunday around 1:00pm the polling stations in Maracaibo and the rest of the municipalities of Zulia were more bare than Andrés Caleca's bald head. Diosdado, Manuel Rosales is now more scared than El Chavo when the chocolate spirits come out because La Sayo knows that Rosales didn't do the full job.

Brother like you, you asked me to find out what Juan Pablo Guanipa, alias “Tequeño Crudo”, called one of my contacts at PJ-Zulia and they told me that Tequeño Crudo ordered the mayor of Maracaibo, Rafael Ramírez Colina, alias “El Negro Ramírez”, to give him 50,000 dollars in cash per week, that is, 200,000 dollars per month to finance his tours with María Corina and Inmundo. Initially, the mayor of Maracaibo had refused this request, since he said that he could not justify leaving the mayor's office, but Tequeño Crudo told him to get rid of the trucks from the urban toilet, which is a business that Tequeño Crudo runs with his brother Pedro Guanipa.

Diosdado, I recommend that the National Assembly and the Office of the Comptroller General put a magnifying glass on that mayor's office in Maracaibo because it is public and notorious that it has become Juan Pablo Guanipa's main funding point to conspire against the country's stability. Well brother I'm leaving you because I have a meeting to define what my next job will be, rest assured that we're still on vigil, here in Zulia they won't be able to handle us, get ready that next week I'll be renewed.

Primo what I love you is dick, I love you more than an empanada operated on a pavilion with plenty of carrots and ripe plantains, with a teapot of tartar sauce and a liter and a half of cold malt, all accompanied by creamy and firm mango jelly.

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