

NUEVA ESPARTA - MARCANO/President Maduro: I am the only candidate who has the support of the People and the FANB

Mobilization against the imperial blockade
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 30/05/2024 05:09 PM

From the Marcano municipality in the state of Nueva Esparta, the Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, stated that he was “the only presidential candidate who has the experience, support of the People and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB)”.

In a telephone contact developed at the close of a mobilization of the Revolutionary militancy in the state of Nueva Esparta, he indicated that “we are the only ones who guarantee the peace and security of Venezuela.”

He added that “we must unite everyone who can be united by a greater objective: the Fatherland, peace, stability and prosperity, in short, the future of our children and young people.”

In his words, President Maduro greeted older adults with special emphasis, whom he urged to remain active in the face of the July electoral process. “We are going to unite, regardless of age,” he said.

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