Now he's a Trumpist! Find out why La Sayo is desperate and punished Inmundo

Cori also moves to try to lower the fumes of Inmundo González Cori also moves to try to lower the fumes of Inmundo González
Cori also moves to try to lower the fumes of Inmundo González

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 06/11/2024 09:13 PM

November 06 November 2024

Location: Valle Arriba Country Club Golf Club

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country Club

Hello Gordooooooooo! Diosdiiiiii I'm running because Cori asked me to tell the communication teams that they should fully publicize their message of congratulations to my third cousin Donald Trump, then I'll tell you, but yes, El Catire is also part of my family. Don't laugh at Diosdado José! , I know you're going to say that my family is half dysfunctional, but Oseaaaaaa!

Look at Diosdi today I have to be very fast because I have to run to get my manicure I have a little party with my friends at the golf club, imagine that the poor are so underclassed, so expatriate that they want to celebrate the triumph of my cousin Trumpi.

Let's start there, Cori's new idyll is that when she reappears in public either next to my cousin Trump or Elon Musk as if she were Wonder Woman, I think my friend went crazier than she already is, but she told me she was working on it. God! , there are two plans, if Cori does not get any robust international support before December, she may reappear in Panama in a show they are putting together with the OAS, the second plan is to reappear on January 10 so as not to stop frustrating her followers, knowing her, she will not be able to endure it.

MY MARSHMALLOW. The triumph of my cousin El Catire creates a serious problem between Cori, my uncle and the pious opponents who live in Madrid, because plans to keep my uncle in Spain are weakening, since Cori says they must prioritize the support of the Republicans. In that scenario, my uncle Inmundo is lost because he does not have a direct channel with my cousin El Catire, so Cori takes control of the puppet again, I mean my uncle. A different case if Kamala had won, because Cori agreed to keep Spain as its epicenter.

MY TAMARIND CANDY. For now everything is very uncertain, my cousin El Catire already knows what it means to swear in an idiot as interim president, I don't think I want to swear in my Uncle Inmundo who is more of an idiot than Guaidó's idiot. Cori is desperate, she knows that she needs to generate a justification, for something to happen to get international support.

For example, Cori's republican friends told him that the people should be on the street cheering Edmundo, or in effect the armed soldiers. They expressed to Cori their concern that nothing is happening in Venezuela and that the story of repression is very hard to believe when you go out to the streets and the restaurants are full, the beaches are full, the Christmas shops are full. Faced with this complex scenario, where Cori cannot comply with either putting blood in the street or raising up the military, all she has left is to continue betting on an escape of force, on mercenary incursion, on an attack on the people to achieve what she has called “the fuse that ignites the prairie”, textual words.

That is where they are working right now, to see how they burn the prairie, that is, how they generate a state of shock, of disorder that relocates them in the political context. This plan is followed by the usual ones: bankers, some transnational companies, Álvaro Uribe, Iván Duque, members of the Idea group, Spanish extremists, Zionist businessmen and a reactionary sector of the church. MY ACEMITA DE COCO, open your eyes wide because it's not the whole church, it's the old old group of all time, you know them, and then I'll tell you who are the only priests who are in favor of dialogue and peace in Venezuela.

While Cori works to see how the meadow burns, she also moves to try to lower the fumes of my uncle Inmundo, how he punishes him for the flight he took, because part of the tour in Italy he did it his way and not Cori's, to the point that there was a conference in any room of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, where Cori was present by zoom and she was upset because my Uncle excused himself, that is, he didn't show up. Then he appeared at an event at the Milton Friedman Institute where the poor guy was so unfocused that he didn't even know what he was doing there. It's striking that Isadora Zubillaga was accompanied by a file about Leopoldo López's lousy guy, there I'll leave you the photos.

GERBER MAKES UP FOR ME. Cor i is so upset about the money my uncle Inmundo spends, the drunkenness, the amount of people my uncle takes on tours, that you can't imagine what he did.

MY MANGO JELLY, by chance did you see a very ugly and very strong statement issued by Miguel Enrique Otero against my Uncle Inmundo? , where he even hit him with the tobo, said he was corrupt, good that he acted in an intransparent way, he also said that my uncle Inmundo had anti-democratic practices, that he was disconnected, out of place and a few other things, but God, darn! If that's right now, you can imagine how they would kill themselves as a government.

Ahhh, but that's not all, MY MILKY SWEET, I come to you with the older gossip. It turns out that Mrs. Antonieta Jurado, wife of Miguel Enrique, is a close friend of Cori, what's more, on her last visit to Caracas I shared an afternoon of coffee with both of them and then some cookies, my furrialeño, sit down because this is very strong! , IT WAS CORI HERSELF who asked Antonieta Jurado and Miguel Enrique Otero to make the statement to beat my Uncle Inmundo, because Cori says she needs to lower his fumes.

But this story doesn't end here. Tirios and Troyanos arrived at the house of the Oteros, some to support him because they believe he told the truth, and others to hit him with the tobo because, according to them, that statement was written by the Mazo Dando team. When they told me that, I said to myself: “myself, my little angels in the Mazo would never write something as ugly as that”, even some people are saying that the VIP patriot is Miguel Enrique Otero, but I know that the VIP loves to wear spandex and I can't imagine what a horror film it must be to see that man in smaller clothes.

GOD! , don't call me toxic, but I need to tell you something to get your friends the Minister to keep an eye on. I don't understand when Spain re-emerged as the epicenter of a silent conspiracy against our country, I'll leave you just a few facts to let them know that we know what they're up to, I'll send you the rest of the information by mail, it's about how the extreme right and Spanish intelligence are operating in our country with the help of Cori and the lousy of the rancid opposition.

As it turns out, starting at the end of 2020, ideologization and recruitment, which the Spanish Popular Party (PP) has been carrying out for decades in Venezuela and other Spanish-American countries, has increased, but God! What is really dangerous is the penetration they have had in schools, universities, religious congregations, in the recruitment of Venezuelan political leaders and to that add the entry of CNI agents into the national territory. This infiltration and recruitment work has intensified due to the active presence, especially in Venezuela and Colombia, of representatives of the University of Navarra (Spain), Alma Mater of Opus Dei and the academic arm of the PP.

In addition to this issue of using academic facades to infiltrate and destabilize, there is the funding, activities and operations being carried out by the so-called Madrid Forum, an ultra-right space where political parties and leaders mainly from Spain and Latin America participate. But you are going to be very disappointed when you see who is in Venezuela as the founding signatories of the forum, there I'll leave it to you.

MY RASPBERRY JAM. We are still in the same fight, which cannot be achieved because Cori lost any leadership capacity, they will try it through communication campaigns, lies and destabilization. Extremists don't know how to put an end to the Bolivarian Revolution, so they will continue with the narrative of Hezbollah, of terrorism, drug trafficking, human rights, just as they recently invented that the government assassinated Edwin Santos can invent anything.

¡PLEASE! , tell the handsome minister, don't be jealous Diosdi that he's not prettier than you, tell him to be on the lookout because the plan to leave us without Christmas is still going on. Diosdado José, if you are going to patrol with your friend I thank you to let you know because you have all my friends sifrinos in distress.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.