

No tricks or tricks...! El Mazo had already warned of La Sayona's false positive in Lara

Published at: 24/07/2024 11:04 PM

The Venezuelan extreme right is once again planting false positives to maintain its narrative before the media that are “persecuted and attacked by the rrrrrrrregime”, proof of this is that La Sayona (María Corina Machado) recently appeared in a video, on social networks, to say that they had attacked her in the state Lara.

However, since the cooperating patriots of Mazo do not miss anything, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello , had already warned of La Sayo's plans to victimize herself.

El Paraco de Uribe recommended that La Sayo develop a false positive on one of his tours. Let me explain better brother: Uribe recommended to La Sayo that she plan a terrorist self-attack in one of her campaign events to victimize herself and hold the government responsible,” says the letter sent by the patriot Patricio “El Maracucho”.

This shows that, in the face of desperation, the extreme right is once again bringing up the tricks of its parakeet friends to set up their show before the world media.

Mazo News Team