

No tricks or tricks...! Diosdado Cabello has already warned: They're going to sing fraud

These complaints and unveiled plans alert the world to the anti-democratic nature of some sectors: the opposition.
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 26/07/2024 05:49 PM

As the Venezuelan opposition is used to us, every time they decide to participate in an electoral event, when they are lost, they warn and denounce that it is a fraud. In this way, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, has stated on several occasions, they have an armed plan to ignore the results of next Sunday, July 28.

To record that they know that they are lost, here are some examples of the times that the vice-president of the PSUV warned about the opposition plan (we have even quoted some openly opposing media in order to show that this was public knowledge):

Diario Tal Cual, May 4th , 2024. Diosdado Cabello: “When the CNE gives the results and Maduro wins, they'll say it's a fraud.” The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, said, this Saturday, May 4, from Caicara, Monagas state, that when the National Electoral Council (CNE) issues its results after the presidential elections and Nicolás Maduro “wins”, opponents will say that “it was fraud”. In this regard, he asked his militants to organize and look for disgruntled people, as well as those who have moved away from politics to join forces for the presidential elections on July 28.

Diario Tal Cual, May 22. Cabello: Opposition has no capacity to win presidential elections and that is why it will sing fraud. The deputy of the 2020 National Assembly, Diosdado Cabello criticized non-governmental organizations. He referred to the bill being advanced by the Parliament with an official majority to oversee them, and he reiterated that the regulation will seek to bring order. He asserted that NGOs are an instrument of the United States to meddle in the affairs of other nations. During his program Con el Mazo Dando, he reiterated the thesis that the candidate of the Unitary Platform, Edmundo González Urrutia, is participating in an “evil” plan to “harm” the country. He stressed that the opposition candidate supports those who have called for sanctions, blockades and caused the “theft” of CITGO and Monomers.

El Universal newspaper, May 30 . Cabello denounced threats from the opposition about the takeover of Miraflores after the presidential elections. “Now they are threatening extremist, fascist opposition groups, who on the 28th after the results are going to Miraflores, that's how they play,” he said.

Globovision Portal, June 5th. Cabello: Opposition is dusting off the argument of fraud and the truth is that they don't have votes. “We've seen that film many times because it's all that's left for the right, but in the meantime there's hope not for anyone,” said the first vice-president of the PSUV.

Notitarde newspaper, July 18: “The opposition wants to set fire to the country from a communication perspective,” warns Diosdado Cabello. The first vice-president of the PSUV denounced that “a lot of money is being invested in FakeNews, meaning media campaigns full of lies and montages”.

Portal Redradio , July 18: Diosdado revealed the opposition's plan to sing fraud on 28J. They already gave the order to make a fake CNE page to post false results, but they also involved the rector Juan Carlos Delpino for his advice he asked to reward him. In addition, they say that a booklet has already been written where “on July 28, at 5 in the afternoon, Delpino must ask for the closure of the polling stations and that then when they announce the results where Nicolás Maduro will win, Delpino must go to the private channel Venevisión, where they will be waiting for him to denounce alleged irregularities and sing fraud, to finally hide in an embassy”.

Journal of the Americas, July 23. Diosdado Cabello recognizes the need for opposing votes. The key figure of the Venezuelan regime urged his followers to convince opposition voters to join the ruling party, in a strategy to strengthen their electoral position. “Which of them guarantees peace? None, the only one who guarantees peace to Venezuela is called Nicolás Maduro, that is clear to them even. For this reason, in 1x10x7 we should not be left alone in Chavism, we are going to go further. We have the courage to knock on anyone's door,” Cabello said.

These complaints and unveiled plans alert the world to the anti-democratic nature of some opposition sectors, in addition to the lack of recognition of the electoral referee, thus disrespecting their own constituents.