

No tricks or tricks...! Cabello warned: former IDEA presidents run a show to disturb the 28J elections

First vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 26/07/2024 08:42 PM

In a new attempt to disrupt the normal course of the presidential elections next Sunday, July 28, in Venezuela, a group of former presidents who are part of the so-called Democratic Initiative of Spain and the
Americas (IDEA) tried to enter the country, despite not being invited by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

According to the rules of the Electoral Power, international observers must be accredited by the electoral body to play an accompanying role in the democratic processes taking place in the nation, thus evidencing the tendentious intentions of former presidents to interfere in the coming election day, as they are allies of the extreme right to validate the thesis of “fraud” that they have been preparing.

In this regard, this Friday, former presidents and members of the IDEA group Mireya Moscoso (Panama), Tuto Quiroga (Bolivia), Vicente Fox (Mexico), Miguel Ángel Rodríguez (Costa Rica), Eduardo Quiróz (former presidential candidate Panama) and former vice-president of Colombia, Marta Lucía Ramírez, performed the show from Tocumen airport, in Panama, where they said they were waiting for authorization from Venezuela to take off.

Immediately, speculations and outrages began on social networks by those mentioned above and their allies, saying that the “dictatorship” had closed their airspace, which was quickly replicated by the media scoundrel.

Copa Airlines flights from Panama to Caracas and vice versa were temporarily suspended this Friday, making it impossible for members of the IDEA group to arrive in the country,” published the Correo del Caroní, which quoted the president of Panama, José Raúl Mulino, who was an accomplice to the plot.

The information was denied by the Minister of People's Power for Transportation, Ramón Velásquez Araguayán, who confirmed “that air operations are being carried out normally. Currently, on Flight Radar, you can see the 3 Copa Airlines flights operating in Venezuelan airspace,” he said in his X account, in which he shared images confirming the movement.

The Deck doesn't deceive...

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, had already warned this, when the former right-wing presidents announced their intention to arrive in the Bolivarian nation to be overseers of the presidential elections process to be held this Sunday.

“And do they think that you enter Venezuela like this and that when they arrive we're going to be scared?” , asked the senior leader of the red awning during his Con El Mazo Dando program, stressing that IDEA members do not have an invitation from the CNE.

“If you're not invited to a party, what do they tell you? It's not going! What's more, there are people who kindly tell you: please be kind and you withdraw, you are standing in the way of others, please step aside,” exemplified Cabello, who described this group of former presidents as showseros.

He emphasized that “they think that with this we are going to go out and say: aha, and what are we going to do if they show up at the airport? We expelled them, there is no problem because they are not invited and they have demonstrated with their customary behavior that they are enemies of this country (...) they are not going to come here to fuck off, this country is respected”.

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